University of Padova

The University of Padova is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning with nearly 60,000 students, 230 post-doc researchers, 2,300 teaching staff and 2,300 administrative staff. It is a multi-disciplinary university that aims to provide its students with both professional training and a solid cultural background. A qualification from the University of Padova is a symbol of having achieved an ambitious objective, one that is recognised and coveted by both students and employers alike.
Courses at the University of Padova are constantly updated in order to meet the ever-changing needs of the labour market. Its Healthcare degrees, for instance, cover a wide range of new courses such as Pediatric Nursing (Medical School), or Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (Psychology). Engineering degree programmes are available in the fields of Civil, Architectural, Environmental, Industrial and Information Engineering.
University of Padova degrees also reflect today’s needs to safeguard both the environment with courses in Environmental Sciences and Technology (Agriculture Sciences), and consumers with Safety and Hygiene of Food Products (Veterinary Medicine). Research into pharmaceuticals is also covered with Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies (Pharmacy), as is research into hi-tech products with a course in Materials Science (Sciences). Great emphasis is also placed on Humanities, such as History and Conservation of Artistic and Cultural Heritage (Arts and Philosophy), and on teacher training with a course in Primary Education (Education).The University traditional courses for professionals in Law, Economics, and Business Management are run alongside courses which analyse complex social systems such as Sociological Sciences (Political Sciences) and Statistics, Population and Society (Statistical Sciences).
Furthermore, highly motivated University students may also apply for admission to the Galilean School of Higher Education. After a demanding selection process, each year 24 students are chosen to attend the School’s high-level in-house courses and to use its special services.
The International Relations Office provides counselling and advice for participation in educational programmes – among the others: Erasmus +, EDULINK, former EU programmes with still ongoing projects such as Erasmus Mundus and Tempus – and is also responsible for Bilateral Agreements (with European and Third-country Universities) and many internationalisation activities (events for training of staff, international events, Summer and Winter Schools, international cooperation).
The University of Padova participates in international and European educational networks, such as: CG – Coimbra Group; T.I.M.E. – Top Industrial Managers for Europe; EUA – European University Association; SD – Mediterranean Universities Network for Sustainable Development; ESRUC – Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium; VIU – Venice International University ; World 100 Reputation Network.
The university offers many integrated study paths (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees as well as double/multiple/joint degrees) in several disciplines. Just to mention a few: ALGANT in Mathematics, STeDE in Sustainable Territorial Development, T.I.M.E. in Engineering, integrated programme with Grenoble in Italian and French. Related Services are: Accommodation Office, University Language Centre, Reception Service for Foreign Guests, Disability Service, International Welcome Office and Job Placement.