Third Train the Trainer seminar and Transnational Meeting

When: Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016, 2:45PM

Granada (Spain)

The University of Granada, Coordinator of the Erasmus + Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership project “Developing All –Round Education DARE+”, hosted the third Train the Trainer seminar and Transnational meeting of the partnership during February 15th -19th, 2016.

The seminar focused on the development of the material as well as the design of the practical activities related to second set of competences identified by the project: Intercultural Competence; Conflict Resolution; and Social Entrepreneurship. These competences will be worked on during the 2nd Summer Intensive Programme scheduled by the project for July 2016 by the students participating in the local activities carried out by the University of Padova, Uppsala, Granada and the Association Education for an Interdependent World – EDIW during the second year of project implementation.