Understanding, defining and developing the dimensions of the DARE+ Competences


Intercultural competence

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Day 2: Session 2. Activities to Develop the Competence

Targeted competences:

Intercultural Competence

Connection to programme competences or aims

Output 4_Design+ implementation IP

Output 7_Design of Methodology

Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session trainers will be able to:

  • Select and adapt training activities in context and with a view to the audience
  • Organize and implement activities to develop the competence of Intercultural Competence
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the session

Pre-requisite learning/competence

Achievement of learning outcomes in Session 2


  • Dare+ rubrics for competence of Intercultural Competence
  • Laptop and projector, access to academic literature on Intercultural Competence

Session duration

2.5 hours

Number of participants


Session description [structure, parts, activities]

  1. Ask participants if they know of any relevant activities.

If you see that the group is knowledgeable, proceed to 1a.

If not:

1a. In group of 4-5 participants describe a relevant activity each (give time for participants to describe activities in enough detail for the others to understand the dynamics, the aims, etc.)

2a. Facilitator shares the rubrics and asks which activities (if any) of those shared in small groups can help students develop this particular aspect/dimension of IC (and possibly - from which level to which level of this dimension the activity can take students // and which level(s) this activity is appropriate for).

3a. If any gaps are identified, the facilitator runs an activity focused on this particular aspect (if more than one gap are identified, the facilitator ask the participants to choose which aspect they feel is important but do not know how to address - and runs an activity on this aspect).

4a. Facilitator shares the activities descriptions prepared by DARE+.

5a. In pairs, participants develop descriptions of two activities they shared in 1a (new descriptions if the activities were not covered by DARE+ descriptions or adaptations if they were).

Distribute DARE+ activities descriptions (1 per participants)

Facilitator shares DARE+ IC rubric. Participants - in small groups - are asked to decide which aspects (dimensions) of IC competence (at up to which level) each of “their” activities can help students develop.

When this is done, the whole-group mapping is done.

Next, you have two scenarios (both aiming at having participants act out and experience at least one activity)

Scenario 1: participants choose the aspect (dimension) they consider to be the most important one for their contexts. An activity of facilitator’s choice covering this aspect is done.

Scenario 2: ask if any of the participants (have realised that they actually) know a relevant activity not present in the DARE+ activities description materials.

Mode of evaluation

15 min focus group discussion on achievement of learning outputs
