Understanding, defining and developing the dimensions of the DARE+ Competences



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Day One: Session 1. Understanding and Defining the Competence

Targeted competences:


Connection to programme competences or aims

Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session trainers will be able to:

  • Describe at least three perspectives on the use of teamwork in the achieving a goal in a particular context
  • identify the main elements of the competence of teamwork
  • Define the competence of “ Teamwork”

Pre-requisite learning/competence

Experience of working with students in non-formal contexts


Laptop and projector, access to academic literature on teamwork

Session duration

2.5 hours

Number of participants


Session description [structure, parts, activities]

  1. Welcome and ice-breaker activity: Candy introductions (get to know facts about each other)
  2. Introduction to session and its learning outcomes - presentation by trainer
  3. Brainstorming - give brief examples in which you worked in a team and/or share studies and literature on teamwork - whole group
  4. Clarifying the key steps of teamwork - small group discussion and preparation of conceptual maps grouping the emerging themes from the previous examples, highlighting similarities, differences and connections.
  5. Development of a shared definition of teamwork and comparison with the DARE+ definition
  6. Evaluation of the session

Mode of evaluation

15 min focus group discussion on achievement of learning outcomes

Teamwork implies a cooperative and coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team in the interest of a common cause. Teamwork means that people use individual skills and provide constructive feedback, solving creatively possible conflicts.
