Understanding, defining and developing the dimensions of the DARE+ Competences


Conflict transformation

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Day 2: Session 2. Activities to Develop the Competence

Targeted competences:

Conflict Transformation

Connection to programme competences or aims

Output 4_Design+ implementation IP

Output 7_Design of Methodology

Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session trainers will be able to:

  • Develop an action plan for the training in managing and transforming conflicts
  • Organize and implement activities to develop the competence of Conflict Transformation
  • Select and adapt training activities in context and with a view to the audience
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the session

Pre-requisite learning/competence

Achievement of learning outcomes in Session 2


  • Dare+ rubrics for competence of Conflict Transformation
  • Laptop and projector, access to academic literature on Conflict Transformation

Session duration

  1. 5 hours

Number of participants


Session description [structure, parts, activities]

  1. Introduction to the session and the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) – presentation by the trainer
  2. Activity 1: Role Play “The elevator”: The trainer presents the following situation to the students: Three people are in an elevator that is stopped. They have to play a role with one of the attitudes worked in the previous sessions (aggressive, assertive and passive, see the specific role in the Power Point). They have to decide what to do and the rest of attendances have to observe the situation and take notes of each attitude.
  3. Evaluation of activity 1 for students: plenary feedback. They have to comment the importance of the different attitudes and the actions that each one have done.
  4. Activity 2: “Conflict situations representations”: Three conflict situations are shown involving two characters. Two of the students dramatize the scene and the rest of the group will be observers. For doing this role play, they have to choose one of the attitudes presented in the previous session (Competition-Colaboration-Escape-Submission-Commitment). The rest of the group will take notes of the situation with an analysis table (See the power point of the session Activity 3).
  5. Evaluation of activity 2 for students: plenary feedback. They have to comment their notes and their feelings in these situations.
  6. Small group activity: participants work in defining activities to develop this competence in their own contexts having in mind the aspects in the previous activities
  7. Final evaluation of the session

Mode of evaluation

15 min focus group discussion on achievement of learning outcomes.
