Padova Summer Intensive Programme (26th July – 1st August 2016)

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Title: Padova, a learning experience!


Targeted competences: teamwork, leadership, communication


Link to programme competences or aims: TeamworkLeadershipCommunication.


Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session students will be able to:

  • Understand some key features of the competences of teamwork, leadership and communication by live experiences (learning by doing)
  • Work with other colleagues towards common goals by respecting given rules and managing groups dynamics
  • Experience some experiential techniques such as cooking exercise, theatre, treasure hunt
  • Explain and share cultural identities in an intercultural environment
  • Critically reflect on each experience and identify key learning outcome in each of them
  • Find new friends and create international networks


Pre-requisite learning/competence

  • Trainer: knowledge of experiential approach, skills in group dynamics
  • Students: preliminary basis on the competences of teamwork, leadership and communication (developed in DARE+ project in local activities)



In general: laptops and projector, markers and whiteboard, papers and pencils, internet connection, post it

For specific activities (see below session descriptions):

  1. Treasure hunt: folders, pens, scotch, scissors, paper, ropes, rubber bands, blindfolds, spaghetti, etc. (materials can vary depending on the activities/challenges) 
  2. Cooking exercise: 2 large kitchens, dishes, food according to the recipes


Session duration

The IP duration is 5 days; each session requires around 6 hours + 1 hour for individual and group reflection.


Number of participants: max 40, from different institutions/partners and nationalities


Sessions description   [structure, parts, activities]

Theoretical background: self-directed learning (Knowles, 1975), experiential learning, (Kolb, 1984), reflective practice (Schon, 1983).

The summer IP is a 5-days programme, organised according to the following schedule:

  1. Day 1:
    • Getting started: ice breaking activities
    • Introduction of the training program: agenda and expectations of the week
    • A portfolio of the training program: creation of self-managed permanent groups (divided by colours) that will work at the end of each day to collecting products and reflections
    • Sharing food and collective storytelling: dynamic presentation of cultural identities. Each group of participants is sharing with the other groups one tale/story (it could also be a game or song or dance) and one type of food/drink.
    • Self-managed groups for reflection: students critically reflect on learning events, highlighting skills gained or activated during the activities of the day
    • Plenary session: debriefing and sharing products and comments from self-managed groups
    • Getting started: ice breaking activities
    • Presentations: each (national) group of students presents the shared life within the residence/dormitory, by using different means such as papers, songs, videos, pictures, food, etc.
    • Some key theoretical elements on communication
    • Self-managed groups for reflection: students critically reflect on learning events, highlighting skills gained or activated during the activities of the day
    • Plenary session: debriefing and sharing products and comments from self-managed groups
    • Brief presentation and grouping for the competition
    • Treasure hunt, to discover leadership metaphors across the city. Participants enjoy  Padova’s culture through games and trips around buildings and places. In each stage, participants find an object and a description of the leadership metaphor and have to do an activity, in order to continue and receive the indications for the next stage. Reflective questions are provided in the instructions to begin the activity of the self-managed groups
    • Some key theoretical elements on leadership
    • Self-managed groups for reflection: students critically reflect on learning events, highlighting skills gained or activated during the activities of the day
    • Plenary session: debriefing and sharing products and comments from self-managed groups
  4. Day 4: TEAMWORK DAY
    • Brief presentation and grouping in 2 big groups: both groups do both activities in different moments (they switch in the afternoon)
    • Masterchef activity : participants prepare a given recipe and another recipe that they can choose, including at least one ingredient from each Country. In 2.5 hours they need to go to supermarket and buy food, prepare, cook and serve meals, working as a team
    • Theatre exercise: participants prepare in 2.5 hours a show, representing at least one of the competences addressed in the week, involving all members of the group.
    • Some key theoretical elements on teamwork
    • Self-managed groups for reflection: students critically reflect on learning events, highlighting skills gained or activated during the activities of the day
    • Plenary session: performances, debriefing and sharing products and comments from self-managed groups
  5. Day 5:
    • The summer week portfolio: reviewing materials produced during the week and learning occurred
    • Learning outcomes of the week on leadership, communication and teamwork.
    • Conclusions



Mode of evaluation for the session:

  • Self-directed groups: at the end of each session, every day, students are asked to share in group (groups are fixed during the week) comments, thoughts, reflections. All these reflections are summarised in a post on the online common space and shared in plenary session; this helps both students in grasping learning occurred and linking new understanding with prior knowledge and trainers to adapt the remaining part of the sessions to students’ needs
  • Open ended questionnaire with 4 sections: strengths, weaknesses, most significant activities, take-aways, follow up activities to be implemented at home (in the dormitory/residence at home).

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