Developing All -Round Education DARE +


Definition of cluster of competences and identification of levels

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Teamwork implies a cooperative and coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team in the interest of a common cause. Teamwork means that people use individual skills and provide constructive feedback, solving creatively possible conflicts.

Competence Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Actively participating and collaborating in team tasks

Completing assigned tasks within deadline as group member, participating actively in team meetings, sharing information, knowledge and experiences

Collaborating in defining, organising and distributing group task towards the achievement of shared objectives

Providing constructive feedback to other people on the work carried out

Promoting confidence, cordiality in the group relationship

Listening to others’ opinions and expressing his/her own opinion

Accepting the opinions of others and knowing how to give own point of view constructively

Promoting constructive dialogue and maintaining atmosphere of collaboration and support

Contributing to the consolidation and development of the team, by fostering communication, good atmosphere and cohesion

Accepting and respecting group norms and applying the team’s work processes

Interacting positively with other group members, supporting and encouraging them

Proposing ways of getting together apart from formal meetings to improve group cohesion

Acting constructively to resolve team conflicts

Avoiding addressing conflicts

Acting positively to resolve conflicts that arise in group

Own actions provide constructive ways out of conflicts

Coordinating groups, ensuring members integration and empowerment

Obtaining commitment of each member by enabling the group to function as such

Achieving personal and collective commitment of the team in all key aspects

Getting members involved and committed, by accepting in a positive way others’ suggestions as their own proposals

Coordinating groups, ensuring results achievement and high performance

Distributing feasible tasks to members in a co-ordinated way with clear guidelines and achieve a balanced participation of all

Stimulating integration among tasks towards a common result

Challenging the members to reach further goals beyond the expected ones
