Developing All -Round Education DARE +


Definition of cluster of competences and identification of levels

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Project development and management is the competency to identify a need, analyze and define context and resources, design, develop, implement and enhance the action idea(s) with the aim of producing appropriate and feasible response(s).

Competence Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Needs analysis: understanding needs and gaps, causes and drivers

Gathers relevant data and identifies the pertinent facts

Identifies the deeper linkages, relationships and gaps in the data

Identifies the drivers of change in the situation

Creative and proactive problem solving: evaluating challenges and come up with innovative solutions

Identifies alternative solutions

Evaluates such solutions

Creates an innovative plan of action capable of gaining support

Resource identification and procurement: acknowledging available assets, prioritize and evaluate them, and draw them into the project

Has an overview of the available and required resources

Constructs a hierarchy of resources and evaluates their relative potential and impact

Evaluates the relative potential and impact of resources, and realizes the material support

Project writing and reporting: understanding guidelines, responding with structured narrative introducing novelty and convincing arguments

Responds to a template in a clear way

Responds to a template in a clear way or constructs own structure

Responds to a template in a clear way or constructs own structure and writes with conviction and originality

Time management: judging time requirements of tasks and foreseeing the relative demands of completing element s

Sticks to pre-defined deadlines in the different stages of the project

Allots time into tasks in a structured and planned manner

Exercises prudent foresight on the time-weighting of important issues

Budget design and control: following financial rules and taking the budget to its maximal impact

Follows and understands the budget template accurately

Brings budgetary concerns and matters to the broader project debate

Makes effective use of budgetary measures to maximize their impact on the project

People management: identifying needs and available human resources, and evaluating and mobilizing these to their maximum potential

Identifies the human resources needed to build the team

Identifies gaps and evaluates strengths and weaknesses in the available human resources, and considers possible outsourcing

Delegates and promotes empowerment of participants to perform to their highest potential

Effective communication: conveying ideas in a clear, collaborative and convincing way, both internally and externally

Communicates in a clear and unambiguous manner, open to the views of others

Negotiates alternative positions and generates agreement

Promotes the project to third parties with conviction and passion

Team building: creating, coordinating, motivating and dealing with conflict within a working set-up

Designs and implements team building activities

Takes ownership of ideas and project objectives

Negotiates tensions and deals with conflict in an effective way

Process monitoring: initiating, defining, planning, managing, executing and closing a meaningful project

Initiates, defines criteria, develops and produces a basic project plan, and brings the project to completion

Defines the scope of the work, implements and manages expectations, develops and produces a detailed project plan, and successfully brings the project to completion

Ensures relevance and continuing impact of the project, plans for sustainability and quality, and successfully brings the project to completion with a full final review of impact
