Developing All -Round Education DARE +


Definition of cluster of competences and identification of levels

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Conflict transformation is the competence to cope with clashing ideas, emotions and behaviours and to be able to analyse the different positions with the aim of finding mutually acceptable and constructive outcomes.

Competence Indicator

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Developing strategies for coping with emotions caused by differences

Tolerates feelings of frustration in interaction with others

Feels at ease with different views and discrepancies

Empathizes with others’ views and emotions

Developing strategies for coping with intellectual conflict caused by differences

Tolerates tensions in arguments with others

Accepts different views and discrepancies

Values positively expressions of differences among others

Listening and considering the positions of others in situation of conflicts. Being able to understand own and others’ position and the ethical responsibilities

Listens to and understands only the opinions and interests which do not conflict with own position, and gets tense when differences are expressed

Takes the opinions and interests of others into account, recognizing and understanding points of agreement or divergence

Promotes an atmosphere of respect and dialogue where everyone can speak freely and be listened to and comprehends ethical implications of own and others’ position, seeing possibilities for reconciliation

Showing assertiveness and strategy when proposing and defending own positions and managing conflict

Expresses own opinions and interests calmly but with firmness and conviction, even though different from those of others. Is open to dialogue, but there is little strategy and defense of own position weakens when a competitive atmosphere arises or the process takes an unexpected direction

Expresses own position and interests with clarity, and knows how to defend it in an atmosphere of dialogue. Knows how to plan a strategy and adapts own position to the process with flexibility

Expresses own positions and interests to others, remaining open to dialogue and the possibility of reconsidering own standpoint(s). Analyses and plans the best strategies, responding quickly and with versatility and cooperation in process of negotiation

Seeking acceptable alternatives and solutions for conflicts

After listening, is clearly open to considering others’ proposals, and to conceding points in order to reach agreement

Contributes actively to dialogue with proposals to explore possible alternatives and achieve agreements and commitments with others

Tries to reconcile and integrate different postures to reach agreements satisfactory to everyone involved
