Brussels Summer Intensive Programme ( 11th July – 16th July 2016)

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Title: Europe as a Project


Targeted competences: Intercultural Communication, Social Entrepreneurship, Project Development and Management, Conflict Resolution and transformation.


Link to programme competences or aims: Intercultural Communication, Social Entrepreneurship, Project Development and Management, Conflict Resolution and transformation.


Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session students will be able to:

  • Understand some key features of the competences of Intercultural Communication, Social Entrepreneurship, Project Development and Management, Conflict Resolution and transformation.
  • Know how the European Commission and the European Parliament function, and the importance they have in the configuration of Europe as a project.
  • Explain and share cultural identities in an intercultural environment
  • Critically reflect on each experience and identify key learning outcome in each of them
  • Find new friends and create international networks


Pre-requisite learning/competence

  • Trainer: knowledge of experiential approach, skills in group dynamics
  • Students: Knowledge of the last year competences of teamwork, leadership and communication, and basic knowledge of these competences: Intercultural Communication, Social Entrepreneurship, Project Development and Management, Conflict Resolution and transformation (developed in DARE+ project in local activities).
  • Have followed a number of training sessions (non-formal learning at their centres).
  • Having a level of English allowing deep discussion and communication.



In general: laptops and projector, markers and whiteboard, papers and pencils, internet connection, post it.

The main resources were the students themselves who prepared several of the sessions and presentations.

Lecturers/trainers, one per institution, accompanied the experience.

For each of the topics, meetings were organized with the coordinators/directors of the following units of the European Commission:

  1. Cooperation: DG Education, Unit B4
  2. Social Entrepreneurship: DG GROW, Unit F2. Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship
  3. Education: DG Education, Unit A1 – Education 2020 policy (including inclusion and anti-radicalisation from an education perspective)
  4. Youth: DG Education, Unit C1 Youth policy
  5. Multilingualism: DG Education, Unit B2 in charge of Schools, adult education and multilingualism
  6. Intercultural dialogue: DG Education and Culture, Unit D1: Cultural diversity and innovation
  7. Environment: DG Environment: Unit E2: Global Sustainability, Trade & Multilateral Agreements (under the Global and Regional Challenges and LIFE programme Directorate) and Unit A1: Eco-Innovation and Circular Economy (under the Green Economy Directorate)
  8. Human Rights: DG International Cooperation and Development, Unit B1 Human Rights, Gender, Democratic Governance
  9. Inclusion: DG Employment and Social Affairs, Unit C3 Disability and Inclusion (social inclusion)



Session duration

The IP duration is 5 days; each session requires around 6 hours + 1 hour for individual and group reflection. Often, exchange and debate went on much beyond plan due to high interest of participants and high level of engagement.


Number of participants: 50, from different institutions/partners and nationalities


Sessions description   [structure, parts, activities]

The summer IP is a 5-days programme, organised according to the following schedule:

Day 1: (evening)

  • Getting started: ice breaking activities
  • Introduction of the training program: agenda and expectations of the week
  • Videos: Workshop with videos prepared by the students applying a competence worked during the year.


  • Reflection: Think of “Europe as a Project” and discussion about competences.
  • Activity: “Europe as a project”. Divided by groups, participants will prepare the questions for the Commissioners by subjects.


  • Discussion with Commissioners divided into different groups and topics.
  • Global presentation of the Commission
  • All the group together will have a guided tour through the EC.
  • Activity: In groups, discuss about Commissioners’ answers and present to others. Debate.


  • Initial group visit and meetings with different MEPs.
  • Activity: Presentation by nationalities the answers of the MEPs and a group debate about it.
  • Joint main conclusion. Drafting conclusions.


  • Role-play representing the interests of different European States.
  • END role-play: Draw conclusions.
  • Free time: enjoy the city.

Day 6: (morning)

  • Individual reflection and creation of a portfolio.
  • Evaluation
  • Conclusions.


Mode of evaluation:

  • Open ended questionnaire with 5 questions: strengths and weaknesses, learning experience, most significant activities, understanding of the European Union, and comments or suggestions.
  • The participants experienced a new method of competence evaluation by levels which was created specifically in the project. It was introduced by one of the experts and the students made their own evaluation.

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