GRONINGEN DARE+ Train the Trainer

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Title (if applicable):  Train the Trainers programme

Targeted competences:

Link to programme competences or aims:

This training event is in particular related to the following intellectual outputs:

Number 2: Definition of clusters of competences and identification of levels

Number 3: Learning strategies for generic competences: design and implementation of blended course materials

Number 7: Design of methodology for development of generic competences and trainer training


Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session trainers will be able to:

  • train with high level of (self) confidence ‘third parties’ (students, academics, others) in the competences at stake, which implies:
      • to demonstrate the application of the three competences trained, that is Project and Social Entrepreneurship, Conflict Management and Resolution and Intercultural Competences, in formal and informal contexts
      • Having a profound understanding of the different elements which constitute each of the these competences
      • Prioritize the different elements of each of the competences involved in relation to the context in which these might be applied
      • Having a profound understanding of the progression of levels to be distinguished in developing the competences involved
  • explain to third parties the relevance of these competences as an integral part of the learning process at higher education level for employability purposes as well as civic, social and cultural engagement
  • develop an action plan to integrate the training of these competences in existing degree programmes and/or in an informal context in a higher education environment
  • develop strategies and approaches to train these competences in terms of teaching and learning assignments to be assessable.       

Pre-requisite learning/competence

Pre-requisite learning/competence

  • Trainer: knowledge of and experience with a variety of modes of teaching, learning and assessment with can be applied to train the competences involved, such as project work, intercultural class room settings, leadership, negotiation techniques
  • Trainees: basic understanding of the relevance of the competences at stake in both an informal/non-formal and formal educational context.



  • Basic and more advanced literature regarding the competences to be trained
  • Internet access to identify examples of good and less good practice
  • e.g. laptops and projector, markers and whiteboard, papers and pencils, post it

Session duration

The TT duration is 5 days; each session requires one hour of introduction to the topic +  a minimum of three hours  group work +  2 hours of group reflection and fine tuning of results.

Number of participants: 15 persons from the following consortium universities/organisations: Universities of Bilbao, Granada, Groningen, Padua, Trinity College Dublin, Uppsala and ECIW

Sessions description   [structure, parts, activities]

Theoretical background:

  • relevant material (portfolio) produced during the last years regarding the three competences at stake, including material developed by the different Tuning Projects, in particular the publication on Competency Development.

The summer Train the Trainer  is a 5-days programme, organised according to the following schedule:

  1. Day 1:
  • Introduction to the Train the Trainers programme: New trends in competence development
  • Presentation of outline and intended outcomes
  • Competence 1: Project Development and Management 
      • Introduction to the competence
      • Plenary session: Brain storming on the role and relevance of the competence; getting acquainted with the competence
      • Small workgroup sessions: identifying indicators and level descriptors
      • Plenary session: Sharing and evaluation of work established
      • Composing grit of descriptors and level indicators
  1. Day 2:
  • Competence 2: Social Entrepreneurship
      • Introduction to the competence
      • Plenary session: Brain storming on the role and relevance of the competence; getting acquainted with the competence
      • Small workgroup sessions: identifying indicators and level descriptors
      • Plenary session: Sharing and evaluation of work established
      • Composing grit of descriptors and level indicators
  1. Day 3:
  • Competence 3: Conflict Management and Resolution
      • Introduction to the competence
      • Plenary session: Brain storming on the role and relevance of the competence; getting acquainted with the competence
      • Small workgroup sessions: identifying indicators and level descriptors
      • Plenary session: Sharing and evaluation of work established
      • Composing grit of descriptors and level indicators
  1. Day 4:
  •  Competence 4: Intercultural Competences
      • Introduction to the competencePlenary session: Brain storming on the role and relevance of the competence; getting acquainted with the competence
      • Self-managed small workgroup sessions: identifying indicators and level descriptors
      • Plenary session: Sharing and evaluation of work established
      • Composing grit of descriptors and level indicators
  1. Day 5:
  • Summarising and evaluation of work established
  • Initial preparation of Summer School: training of students by trainers


Mode of evaluation for the session:

  • Self-directed groups: at the end of each session, every day, students are asked to share in group (groups are fixed during the week) comments, thoughts, reflections. All these reflections are summarised in a post on the online common space and shared in plenary session; this helps both participants in grasping learning occurred and linking new understanding with prior knowledge and trainers to adapt the remaining part of the sessions to students’ needs
  • Four sophisticated tables/ grids for the four competence formats developed during the programme

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