GRANADA DARE+ Train the Trainer

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‘Train the trainers’ activity session template


Title: Third Train the Trainer


Targeted competences: social entrepreneurship, intercultural communication, conflict-resolution


Connection to programme competences or aims

The main goals of the Third Train the Trainer are:

  • To offer trainers the necessary training on said competences to allow them to implement the local activities to be carried out during the third year of project.
  • To organise the II Summer IP, to be held in Brussels in July 2016. This involves identifying appropriate activities to help the participants develop the previous competences and preparing the final programme.
  • To reflect and agree on the process of validation, recognition and accreditation of competences.


Learning outcomes for the sessions

At the end of this session trainers will be able to:          

  • Understand key features of the competences of intercultural communication, social entrepreneurship and conflict-resolution.
  • Identify activities and methodologies to help their students develop intercultural communication, conflict-resolution and social entrepreneurship.
  • Know different ways to validate, recognize and accredit the competences that are object of the project.
  • Get familiar with the project assessment portfolio.
  • Assess their own level of each of the competences dealt with, as well as their students’ level.
  • Teach their students to reflect on and assess their own level of each of the competences.
  • Value the importance of recognition and validation of professional competences from non-formal and informal environments


Pre-requisite learning/competence

Trainers should have experience of working with students in non-formal contexts and be able to apply the experience gained during the first Summer IP and during the Train the Trainer seminars organised in the first years of the project.


Resources needed

Laptops and projector, markers and whiteboard, papers and pencils, internet connection, post it.       


Session duration

The Third Train the Trainer duration is 5 days; each session requires around 6 hours, which include time for individual and group work and reflection.


Number of participants

Max 20, from different institutions/partners and nationalities.


Session description 

The Third Train the Trainer is a 5-days programme, organised according to the following schedule:

  1. Day 1:
    • Welcome and opening by Prof. Dorothy Kelly, the coordinator of the DARE + project.
    • Introduction of the training program: agenda and expectations of the week.
    • Transnational project meeting, aimed at defining cluster of competences and identifying levels within each competence.
    • Organisation of II Summer IP: collaborative work intended at identifying activities to be carried out in the II Summer IP to help students develop the competences of intercultural communication, social entrepreneurship and conflict-resolution. Discussion to define the programme of the II Summer IP.
  1. Day 2:
  1. Day 3: Workshop on the process of recognition, validation and accreditation of prior learning at university . This includes:
    • Introduction to recognition of prior learning: process, tools, actors and open challenges.
    • The British model of APEL and the French model of VAE.
    • How to describe implicit learning from experience? The explicitation interview.
    • Pilot experiences of recognition and accreditation of prior learning at UNIPD.
    • The role of tutor/advisor in guiding the competences recognition.
    • European portfolio for youth leaders and workers: what possible use for DARE+ project?
  1. Day 4:
  1. Day 5
    • Debriefing of the activities carried out by the local team during the first semester of the academic year 2015 by cluster of competences.
    • Free time in the afternoon.


Mode of evaluation

At the end of each session, every day, trainers are asked to share their comments, thoughts, reflections in a plenary session.


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