Understanding, defining and developing the dimensions of the DARE+ Competences


Social entrepreneurship

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Day One: Session 2. Developing the Dimensions and Levels of the Competence

Targeted competences:

Social Entrepreneurship

Connection to programme competences or aims

Dimensions and levels of competence.

Learning outcomes for the session

At the end of this session trainers will be able to:

  • Review, revise and adapt the rubrics/tables with dimensions and levels of the competence of Social Entrepreneurship

Pre-requisite learning/competence

Achievement of learning outcomes in Session 1 (learning outcomes 1 & 3).


  • Dare+ rubrics for competence of Social Entrepreneurship
  • Laptop and projector, access to academic literature on Social Entrepreneurship

Session duration

2.5 hours

Number of participants


Session description [structure, parts, activities]

  1. identification of the session and its learning outcomes
  2. First reading of Dare+ rubrics for competence of Social Entrepreneurship: understanding the levels sequence in all indicators
  3. Application of table of rubrics to concrete experiences (personal experiences, projects we know) and determine which level of indicators has been achieved
  4. Plenary session

Mode of evaluation

15 min focus group discussion on achievement of learning outcomes
